This event is made possible by sponsorship from organisations including pharmaceutical companies, med tech companies and service providers none of which have influenced the event content or the choice of speakers. Sessions delivered with input from these organisations will be marked as such on the programme once released and a list of all sponsors and exhibitors will be published shortly.
Dr Kiren Collison
GP and Deputy Medical Director for Primary Care for NHS England
Dr Kiren Collison is a GP and Deputy Medical Director for Primary Care for NHS England. She is the Chair of the National Long Covid Taskforce. Kiren was formerly the Clinical Chair of Oxfordshire CCG, Chair of her integrated care system Primary Care Board and board member of NHS Clinical Commissioners. She is a practicing GP and has had senior roles within a GP Federation. She trained at Cambridge University and University College London. Kiren has a particular interest in strengthening primary care, preventing illness and tackling health inequalities.